Phantom Abyss Speedrun Secrets

Phantom Abyss Speedrun Secrets

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An ancient temple full of traps has a treasure at the very end, and you want it. Armed with your trusty whip, you'll race through the temple, avoiding dangerous pitfalls and angry temple guardians. Unfortunately, if you die, you'll never be able to try this particular iteration of the temple again.

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Tackling what is on offer should be a cinch for veteran Phantom Abyss players. But even those coming in now that the full 1.

Be warned, you only get one attempt at each temple and failure or settling for a lesser relic means you will never see that temple again...


Sad to say, From the Abyss is an extremely unremarkable game through-and-through. From the visual style and plot to the game mechanics, it's all been done before in some form or another. The good news in all of this is the game still offers a good time for fans of the genre.

My biggest gripes with this action platformer concern the temperamental physics, repetitive maps, and lengthy load times.

Phantom is a weapon in Neon Abyss. It shoots regular bullets at an extremely low fire rate with only a magazine size of 3. However, it can slow down time for a short period, most useful fighting the later bosses.

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However, the temple's rooms are, for the most part, easy to clear with a single grapple at a time, Phantom Abyss and more often than not, Whip Again is simply a luxury to have.

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